Saturday, November 15, 2008

“Wasteland” is 10 minutes long, (projected on 3 screens or walls at the same time) series of images of real world (industrial part of Greenpoint and Williamsburg) converted to an eerie dream and discovery journey through the inner landscape. A woman (an actress Catherine Rogers) while walking through unknown territory of her dream is looking at the empty streets, walls, peeling paint, empty windows, rusty doors and discovers things and emotions she has never suspected to exist in her, looking into her past. She is accompanied by a child (Isabel Sagun) and a man ( Argentinian dancer Dardo). Her journey has strength of an archetype so everybody can relate to it because it contains the most important and deepest elements of everybody’s life.
In the Creamary exhibit I shown only “Pieces of Wasteland” titled “Walls And Windows” and “The Dream Begun Already” as a triptych.
An email I got after screening at Chashama: " I haven't been to an event
like that in a long time and found it deeply refreshing, as if someone
were speaking to me from a place not usually accessible in the world,
but only in interior experiences of poems, or complex and mysterious
occurrences . .. Beautiful and strange. I was taken with the combination
of image, sound and text. ."
I hope the my audience will share feelings and emotions.


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